Community of Faith

Love God • Love Others • Serve the World

Join us for Worship

Sunday Services at 10am

or join us online through our live stream!

Welcome to 
Community of Faith

a Lutheran congregation affiliated with the LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ) and NALC (North American Lutheran Church)

Community of Faith Church in West Linn, Oregon is on a mission to, “Love God, Love Others, Serve the World.” Planted in 2010, Community of Faith was born out of a clear vision to be true to the Word of God, winsome in making followers of Jesus, and passionate about sending people out near and far to spread the Good News of Jesus!

Love God
Love Others
Serve the World

Get Involved

Find Belonging in Christ-Centered Community

Youth Ministry

Family events, confirmation classes, mission opportunities – local, regional, and international.

Children's Ministry

Kids church (preschool-5th grade), monthly events, Trout Creek Summer Camp.

Women's Ministry

Bible studies, book clubs, prayer groups, game days, and annual retreats.

Men's Ministry

Bible studies, weekly coffee hour, monthly breakfast, and annual retreats.

Music & Worship Ministry

Worship Sunday at 10am —  online & in person.


Community service, city outreach, global missions.

Children's ministry

Family outings, seasonal events, Sunday school, choirs - offered for 5th grade and below.

Youth ministry

Family events, weekly gatherings/Bible studies, Community Outreach - offered for 6th grade through 12th grade

Women's Ministry

Women specific Bible studies, book clubs, prayer groups, fellowship, and annual retreats

Men's ministry

Bible studies (online & in person), fellowship, and annual retreats

Music & worship ministry

Worship every Saturday at 4pm, Sunday at 10am


Community service, city outreach, global missions

Upcoming Events

Soup Luncheon & The Chosen


Starting February 19th, warm up with a delicious soup lunch and dive into Season 4 of The Chosen!


WHEN: Wednesdays at 11:30am


WHERE: Community of Faith

50 Days of Service



For the next 50 days, we are collecting disaster relief items to support those impacted by the California Fires. Our focus is on cleaning buckets, health care kits, and Bibles. Pick up a list of needed items at the back table and join us in making a difference!


WHEN: Jan. 26 – Mar. 17th


WHERE: Community of Faith

Ash Wednesday


Begin the season of Lent together for a reflective gathering of prayer, Scripture, and the imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance and renewal.


WHEN: Wednesday, March 5th at 7 PM


WHERE: Community of Faith 

“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

1 Chronicles 29:14

Current Sermon Series

REVELATION: Enduring Hope for the Church

Contact or Come Visit us

we look forward to seeing you


Sunday Service:

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 10am-2pm.


Community of Faith Church
1889 Willamette Falls Dr
West Linn, OR 97068


For all people, all ages, families, & stages of life!


1889 Willamette Falls Dr, West Linn, OR 97068
(503) 303-7035